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Usability Testing
Human factors/usability testing of medical devices not only makes the product better by designing with the user as the focal point it is also an FDA requirement as part of the 510(k) or PMA submission.
If you are responsible for getting a medical device ready for market we have extensive experience in this area and have prepared a presentation to educate on how we can help your company and product. For further information or questions on our Usability Testing processes please contact Intersection-Inc.or direct contact Milt Halsted at 949-533-9352.
To create a premium service to help you meet your Usability and Usability Testing / cmc / IFU requirements, Intersection has put together the most experienced team of experts in California to address your needs. Our group is led by Dr. Joely Gardner, widely known in Human Factors & Usability Testing services (See link to her recent presentation on IFU Testing:!joely-gardner-article/ip8). Dr. Gardner has a Certificate in Project Management and is a licensed psychologist and a Fellow and Diplomate in the American Board of Medical Psychotherapists & Psychodiagnosticians. She has performed extensive usability testing and voice of customer research projects for companies such as Mitchell Medical, ThermoFisher (Life Technologies), Quest Diagnostics Clinical Trials Division, and Cardinal Health. She is a part-time professor at California State University at Fullerton in the graduate-level certificate program in Customer Experience and User-Centered Design.
When to use drones.
Lady Gaga being lifted by Drone
Drones in general
The term “drones” is not popular in this community as they tend to have a bad reputation (such as "bomb dropping robots”)
However, it’s getting more and more difficult to lose this as a catch all term
The term has different meanings in different countries:
US It is associated with war
In Japan drones are an agricultural tool
This are incredible useful machines so it’s important that we build a new culture of trust around them
This umbrella term covers a lot of devices:
Devices in the Air, on the ground and under the Sea such as
UAV – unmanned aerial vehicle
UUV – unmanned underwater vehicle
ROV – remotely operated vehicle
RPV – remotely piloted vehicle
Not all drones are remotely piloted
UAVs and UUVs are becoming more and more autonomous.
Such as a UUV that inspects undersea cables and/or pipes – and just automatically follows the cables and lines
Drones and jobs
The panel’s position was that these Robots (drones) are not taking away jobs, they are shifting to new activities.
They still need to be run by the intellect of humans
They are very useful for situations that are “DUMB, DIRTY OR DANGEROUS”
Search and rescue
Contaminated areas (Fukushima Reactor Disaster)
Safety on railroads
Deep ocean
Are Drones (autonomous cars) safe?
Per the WSJ - The Google car had a slightly higher rate of accidents then average drivers – however – further investigation showed that all of the accidents where caused by other drivers – not the autonomous Google car.
The big challenge is that the Google car follows the rules of the road too well!
The immediate future
Insurance agencies and lawyers are guiding the advancement of the industry
The next big breakthrough is when there is a common command and control system so that multiple platforms (land, sea, & air) can work together to perform work
Hub of the nation of unmanned systems. “Silicon Valley isn’t doing it” “We lifted Lady Gaga” We are doing real stuff here in San Diego” said one of the panelist "Treggon Owens"
Rear Admiral Jerry Burroughs, USN (ret) Chairman, The Maritime Alliance; VP Sonalysts
Treggon Owens, CEO Aerial MOB Aerial MOB is the leader in aerial cinematography utilizing the latest technology in remote control aircraft.
Rob Cornick, Sr. Program Mgr, SeeByte advanced software to enhance the capabilities of their underwater sensors, vehicles and systems for the Military & Oil & Gas sectors
Michael Hennig, CEO, Unmanned Aerial Systems which uses drones in archaeology, search and rescue, plus humanitarian efforts.
Chuck Pelly of Intersection-Inc. was on the Programming Committee
Event: MIT Enterprise Forum San Diego, Panel discussion on drones
Date: June 17th
At: Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, Duane Roth Auditorium UCSD